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Mangyeongdae Pavilion (만경대)

Update date: 2020-04-03


[tourist site]
Mangyeongdae Pavilion, located on the shore of the East Coast, one-kilometer east of Donghae City Hall, was built in 1613 while old Joseon was under the rule of King Gwanghaegun. However, the pavilion was destroyed by rainstorms and later rebuilt by the Samcheok Kim family some 60 years ago. While offering a spectacular view of sea to the east, the pavilion also offers a refreshing view of expansive pine forests to the north. If you look to the west, you will enjoy a magnificent view of Dutasan Mountain beyond the pavilion’s back lawn as well as the Jeoncheon Stream flowing into the East Sea alongside a steep cliff-wall. As only Jukseoru Pavilion of Samcheok matched its view, poets of former times are said to have frequented Mangyeongdae Pavilion.


Address: Gongdan 4-ro, Donghae-si, Gangwon-do (25791)
Telephone: +82-33-530-2800
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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