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Hajodae Unmanned Lighthouse (하조대 무인등대)

Update date: 2019-11-08


[tourist site]
The Hajodae Unmanned Lighthouse sits along a cliff with an old pine tree and overlooks the East Sea. Legend has it the name Hajodae came from the first sounds of Haryun and Jojun, two of the founding members of the Joseon dynasty who stayed nearby during one of their journeys.

The area is famous as a filming spot for the drama "Taejo Wang Geon (2000)." A walk along the cliff will lead to a white lighthouse near the bridge beside Hajodae Cliff. A number of tourists also visit Hajodae for the beautiful sunrises and the beam of light from the lighthouse that appears when darkness falls.


Address: 99, Jojun-gil, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do (25047) (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
Telephone: +82-33-670-2397
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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