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Manjanggul Lava Tube [National Geopark] (만장굴 (제주도 국가지질공원))

Update date: 2021-03-17


[tourist site]
Manjanggul Lava Tube, located in Gimnyeong-ri, Jeju, is part of the Geomunoreum Lava Tube system. The lava tube stretches roughly 7,400 meters, with a maximum x_height of 25 meters and x_width of 18 meters. These measurements make it one of the largest lava tubes in the world. Manjanggul holds great value for science and conservation studies, having well-maintained formations despite being formed over one hundred thousand years ago.

The majority of the cave is closed off, with only 1 kilometer being open to tourists. Within this open section, visitors can see a variety of lava tube and cave topographical features, including stalagtites, stalagmites, and stone pillars. Among these, the 7.6-meter-tall stone pillar at the end of the open section is recorded as the largest in the world.


Address: 182, Manjanggul-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do (63348)
Telephone: +82-64-710-3945
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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