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Nohyung Supermarket (노형수퍼마켙)

Update date: 2023-02-15


[cultural facility]
Nohyung Supermarket is a media art theme park of a grand, overwhelming scale with a maximum x_height of 20 meters (equivalent to a six-story building) over a total floor space of approx. 4,000 square meters.

The venue consists of five exhibits centered on media art video spaces under the concept of "a journey of discovering one's own identity in a space where the natural and unnatural coexist."  Inside the gallery are shops dedicated to black-and-white theme such as Nohyung Dabang cafe, where one can enjoy a variety of beverages and desserts; and a souvenir shop called Nohyung General Store which sells special souvenirs of unique designs that match Nohyung Supermarket's overall theme.


Address: 89, Nohyeong-ro, Jeju-si, Jeju-do (63061)
Telephone: +82-64-713-1888
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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