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Daewonsagyegok Valley (대원사계곡)

Update date: 2021-02-24


[tourist site]
Daewonsagyegok Valley is a place where one can be appreciate nature's musical harmony of stream water, wind brushing against the leaves, and the chirping of birds. The nearly 12-kilometer-long Daewonsagyegok Valley's stream water originates from the highest peak of Jirisan Mountain called Cheonwangbong Peak, and flows through Jungbong and Habong Peaks, as well as Ssukbatjae Pass, Saejae Pass, Wangdeungjae Pass, Bammeorijae Pass, and Ungseokbong Peak. Before reaching the valley, the water joins the currents from Sinbatgol, Jogaegol, and Bambatgol Valleys. The volume of water increases as it passes Saejae and Oegok Village and reaches Yupyeong-ri where Daewonsa Temple is located. The incessant sound of running water fills the silence of the forest as if Buddhist nuns were chanting blessings.


Address: Samjang-myeon, Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do (666-922,11)
Telephone: +82-55-970-7201
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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