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Jinju Hall (진주회관)

Update date: 2020-05-08


Jinju Hall is a restaurant specializing in kongguksu (chilled white soybean noodle soup) with over 40 years of history. Renowned for its rich soup of cold noodles, the restaurant uses fresh soybeans grown in Gangwon-do. The dishes are not only nutritious, but also effective in restoring people's appetites, often lost because of the summer's heat.

To make the restaurant's signature dish, buckwheat is mixed with ground soybeans and flour to make dough. The dough is shaped into noodles and boiled. They are then mixed with pulverized soybeans (which are slightly boiled) and cold broth. Boasting a simple taste, this cold soybean noodle dish is one of the most popular dishes in summer.


Address: 26, Sejong-daero 11-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (04513)
Telephone: +82-2-753-5388
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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