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Yuu (유우)

Update date: 2019-10-02


Yuu is a fusion dining restaurant that offers gonowada (salted sea cucumber innards), one the three major gourmet dishes. The restaurant offers a wide variety of a la carte items, and in partnership with Jo Seon-Ok culinary research center in Japan, strives to produce savory and top-notch meals for its customers.

Among the diverse gourmet menu the restaurant offers, the most popular dishes include tuna tataki & gonowada and santen sasimi (assorted sliced raw fish). Also prepared and offered are simple a la carte dishes including charcoal barbeque, grilled dishes on a sizzling iron plate, nabe, ponzu, a la carte, special delicacies. The restaurant is 231.4 ㎡ (70 pyeong) in floor size and has tatami rooms for the full enjoyment of savory liquor and gourmet meals. Yuu also has a large room for group meetings and business dinners.


Address: 23, Yeonhui-ro 26-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul (03720)
Telephone: +82-2-3144-2578
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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