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Café Batavia

views: 315


. by Cafe Batavia / .

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In 1805, the Dutch began construction of the building to serve as accommodation for the VOC's high-ranking officials and their administrative offices. Over time, a Frenchman named Paul Hassan eventually bought the building and turned it into an art gallery. An Australian named Graham James approached Paul Hassan with the vision of creating a restaurant and after a few management changes the rest is history.

Café Batavia is best known as a must-visit restaurant in Indonesia as one of the oldest restaurants serving award-winning cuisine and beverages while providing outstanding customer service. As the most rated Indonesia-based restaurant on TripAdvisor, Café Batavia has maintained its reputation from 2016 to present by earning certificates of excellence while earning 4+/5 ratings on multiple crowd-sourced review platforms such as Zomato, Google Reviews, and TripAdvisor. .

A classic restaurant with a bright and active 5-star hotel private team, Café Batavia welcomes more than 700 guests a day, attracting honorable and reputable guests from all over the world. The Queen of Sweden, Vice President of Argentina, President of Slovakia, US Ambassador, Ambassador to France and Morocco, etc. We pride ourselves on providing exclusive products such as Nusantara Coffee and other signature foods and cocktails gathered from all over Indonesia. We are ready to provide the best service to our valued customers.