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Rokurinsha is a famous ramen restaurant in Tokyo, Japan where you can try delicious tsukemen, a style of ramen where broth and noodles are served separately. 'Tsukemen' is thick and chewy noodles that are cooled and then seasoned with a rich broth made from a mixture of pork and chicken and various seasonings. The broth is simmered for an extended period of time to extract maximum flavor and depth. When ordering tsukemen at Rokurinsha, you can adjust the noodle-to-soup ratio to suit your taste by dipping the noodles in the broth before taking a bite. You can expect a combination of soft and chewy noodles and rich, savory broth.

It's so popular that you have to wait in long lines, but many people think it's worth the wait.
Rokurinsha has several branches, so please look at the map and go to the branch nearby.

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