2024년 신상 호텔 리스트
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탑건 하우스

조회수: 24
. by Top Gun House / .


Top Gun House가 노스 퍼시픽 스트리트(North Pacific Street)에 2022년 새롭게 복원했다고 합니다.
입구에 모터사이클에 앉아서 사진 찍을 수 있는 있습니다.
Top Gun: Maverick
Tonight was very fortunate.I had a good chance to roll back the time and get the look of myself; then and now...​Sometime in 1987, I was just a 16-year-old boy who had only worried about school grades and going to the high school, which meant a new shcool and new friends.​The movie Top Gun came out and literally all the boys in school saw it.Our movie talk never ended.Listening to the OST also never ended.Well, it ended for a while when the cassette had been played over and over so much, it eventually streched so far; out of tune.I had a LP too, but it was only possible to play at home when my parents were not at home.​For some reason, the music had to be a full blast everytime.l guess it was sort of blowing out the steam for young 'me' at that time.Even bought CD when I went to college.​M...
by CTnTech님의블로그 | 3개월 전

네이버 블로그 더 보기 (네이버 API 이용)
무엇이든 꿈꿔보자 [2024년 03월 17일]
정설 Top Gun House 탑건 하우스 마침 이 근처에 탑건 하우스도 있어서 가이드님이 추천한대로 가봤어요 근데.. 내가 탑건을 안봄 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 뎨송해요.. 제가 언젠가부터 OTT나...

CTnTech님의블로그 [2024년 02월 04일]
' 35 years after, the new Top Gun movie was released: the Top Gun: Maverick. Wether it's on purpose or not, I missed this to see in the movie house. Come to think of it, I stopped going...

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빅윈토어 [2022년 11월 11일]
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" Craig J 2022-06-02 01:22:08 11 9 Hide Replies # How is it that all you guys including Tyler watched Top Gun and came out with WOKE WOKE WOKE? How do you all do that? No comments...

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