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Sancheong Daewonsa Temple (대원사(산청))

Update date: 2021-08-13


[tourist site]
Located at the eastern foot of Jirisan Mountain, Daewonsa Temple was first built in 548 during the Silla dynasty, but it remained closed for over thousand years until it was renovated and made bigger with the name Daewon. Unfortunately, the entire premises were lost to a big fire during the night of January 12, 1914, and all the halls and pavilions, including Yosachae, totaling 184 rooms in 12 buildings, were rebuilt in 1917. However, they were damaged once again during the Korean War and were abandoned until the war ended where the temple was rejuvenated and made even bigger. Located nearby are Geoyeonjeong and Gunjajeong Halls that are believed to have been the studying venue of scholars.

* Daewonsa Valley
The two-kilometer-long valley that stretches from the parking lot at the entrance to Daewon Temple to the temple itself is surrounded by high hills and curious-looking rocks. The clean water that oozes out through craters between the rocks generates unusual scenery. Associated with Yongso Pond is the legend that a dragon lived in it for hundreds of years before it finally flew away. Somakgol Valley is known to be the place where the last king of Garak Kingdom came to feed his cows and horses.


Address: 453, Pyeongchonyupyeong-ro, Sancheong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do (52232)
Telephone: +82-55-972-8068
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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