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Yeonggwang Bulgapsa Temple (불갑사 (영광))

Update date: 2021-12-02


[tourist site]
Bulgapsa Temple of Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do, was the very first Buddhist temple to be built in Korea. Monk Marananta, who was the first Indian monk to spread Buddhism in Korea, is said to have established the temple here around the year 384, during the reign of Baekje King Chimnyu.

Daeungjeon Hall, the main hall of Bulgapsa Temple, has been designated as a Treasure. The motifs on the doors of the hall are famed for their beautiful designs. The temple also has other buildings of distinction such as the Manseru Pavillion, Myeongbujeon Hall and Ilgwangdang Shrine, and a population of sericeous newlitse trees, designated as a Natural Monument. The temple is also famous for the magic lily which blooms in the late summer. The path into Bulgapsa Temple is ideal for a restful walk and contemplation.


Address: 450, Bulgapsa-ro, Yeonggwang-gun, Jeollanam-do (57058)
Telephone: +82-61-350-4889
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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