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Gyeongju Tomb of King Muyeol, Stele of King Taejong Muyeol (경주 무열왕릉, 태종무열왕릉비)

Update date: 2022-08-18


[tourist site]
The Tomb of King Muyeol is the tomb of Kim Chun-chu, who acsended to the throne as King Muyeol (r. 654-661), the 29th ruler of the Silla Kingdom. The tomb is located at the southwestern foot of Seondosan Mountain in Gyeongju. As king, he sought to unify the three kingdoms by allying forces with China's Tang dynasty, but passed away before he could successfully accomplish his goal. His tomb is relatively large, reaching a x_height of 8.7 meters, and having a circumference of 114 meters. Originally made with large stones, the tomb has been covered in dirt and grass with the passing of time. To the east of the grave are the remains of his stele with an inscription that reads “Taejong Muyeol Daewangjibi (Tombstone of the Great King Muyeol)," indicating the owner of this grave.


Address: 10-4, Neungnam-gil, Gyeongju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do (38064)
Telephone: +82-54-750-8614
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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