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Riverside Spa Land (강변스파랜드)

Update date: 2021-02-22


[tourist site]
Riverside Spa Land is a traditional Korean sauna where visitors can experience Korea’s first and best foot massage bath for free. The sauna, located on the second floor basement, offers soft waters known to be good for the skin, while the public jjimjilbang on the first floor basement presents a variety of facilities and cultural areas such as a fitness center, aerobics room, movie room, comic book room, sports massage center, nail art center, skin care treatment center, and more. For the convenience of its guests, Riverside Spa has installed a key payment system so guests do not have to carry cash once they are inside.


Address: 45, Guuigangbyeon-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul (05049)
Telephone: +82-2-455-3737
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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