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Wan Chai (완차이)

Update date: 2019-04-10


Wan Chai is a Chinese restaurant with a name meaning "spicy," and is a must-visit for those who love spicy food. Rather than the original spicy Chinese Sichuan cuisine, a small amount of Korean spices have been added to create even better tasting dishes.

The most popular item on the menu is a large plate of reddened mussels known as the Extra Spicy Stir-fried Mussels. The dish is a mixture of spicy red peppers, garlic, and spicy sauce, stir-fried to perfection. Many customers also come in for the gul jjamppong (spicy noodle soup with oysters). Even the jajangmyeon (noodles in black bean sauce) tastes great here, with clean-tasting black soy bean sauce. Finally, for dessert, lychee is served, a unique treat to finish off a meal at Wan Chai.


Address: 50-7, Myeongmul-gil, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul (03777)
Telephone: +82-2-392-0302
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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