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Nunnamujip (눈나무집)

Update date: 2020-06-16


Nunnamujip is famous for a North Korean dish called, “Kimchi mari guksu”, which is a noodle dish in cold kimchi soup containing toasted laver, a boiled egg, and sesame. The soup is refreshingly cold and a little spicy. For “Kimchi mari bap”, a bowl of rice is put into cold kimchi soup instead of noodles. The taste is very unique. In addition to Kimchimari, “Tteokgalbi” is a popular dish on the menu as well.

The main restaurant is located in the basement, which has only limited seating capacity with a few tables. As a result, many people usually wait in line for lunch or dinner. A second franchise has opened in a three-story building across the street. To enjoy a quaint atmosphere, the first establishment is better, but the new one’s interior design is much more modern and fancier, giving it a fresh altering look.


Address: 136-1, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (03050)
Telephone: +82-2-739-6742
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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