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Incheon Jayu Park (자유공원 (인천))

Update date: 2023-01-12


[tourist site]
Jayu Park is the first Western-style park in Korea, built five years after the opening of Incheon Port. The location is perfect for a nice stroll as it is located high above sea level with spacious areas and thick forest. At top of the park is the Korea-U.S.A. Centennial Monument built in 1982 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the treaty of peace, commerce and navigation between Korean and the US. Within the park, visitors can enjoy a small zoo, a pagoda, benches and other rest areas. A statue of General MacArthur, who led Operation Chromite, gives for a good educational talk with the children. Every April, a cherry blossom festival is held as the cherry blossoms fill the park, attracting many visitors. The panoramic view of the city is breathtaking with nightscape especially popular for couples. There are many attractions nearby for visitors to enjoy food and history.


Address: 25, Jayugongwonnam-ro, Jung-gu, Incheon (22315)
Telephone: +82-32-761-4774
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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