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Seoul Former Russian Legation (서울 구 러시아공사관)

Update date: 2020-06-18


[tourist site]
The Russian Legation was built in a Renaissance style in 1890. Russian architect, A. J. Scredin Sabatine designed the structure. In 1895, during the Joseon dynasty, the Eulmisabyeon Incident took place as a show of force by the Japanese.

Empress Myeongseong-hwanghu was emerging as a strong figure in Korea at a time when a power struggle between Japan, China, Russia, and other powers were taking place. Japanese Minister, Miura Goro saw her as a threat and ordered her assassination. After hearing news of the Empress’s assassination, King Gojong and the Crown Prince sought refuge in the Russian Embassy for one year.

After 1945, the Soviet Union took over the embassy until it was almost completely destroyed by a fire during the Korean War [1950~1953]. The only remaining parts of the building are the tower and basement areas. The building was restored to its current condition in 1973 and is now enjoyed by many as a public park.


Address: 21-18, Jeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (04518) (Korean, English) (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
Telephone: +82-2-3396-5882
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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