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Naejangsan National Park (내장산국립공원)

Update date: 2021-12-24


[tourist site]
Naejangsan Mountain is a famous mountain in Jeollabuk-do, and the best mountain in Korea to view the fall foliage. Because of the bright autumn leaves that blanket Naejangsan Mountain in fall, the mountain is also referred to as Geumgang of Honam, referencing the beautiful Geumgangsan Mountain.

Inside the park, there are famous waterfalls, such as Dodeokpokpo Falls and Geumseonpokpo Falls, and temples such as Baegyangsa Temple and Naejangsa Temple. In addition, there are about 760 kinds of local plants, including those designated as Natural Monuments, and various wild animals living inside the park.

Naejangsan National Park is beautiful not only in fall, but also in spring when the azaleas and cherry blossoms bloom, in summer when the mountain turns green, and winter when the rock cliffs are covered with snow.


Address: 328, Naejanghoban-ro, Jeongeup-si, Jeollabuk-do (56199)
Telephone: +82-63-538-7875
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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