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Woljeongsa Temple & Fir Tree Forest (월정사·월정사 전나무숲 )

Update date: 2021-12-03


[tourist site]
Woljeongsa Temple is located in a forested valley on the eastern side of Odaesan Mountain. The 1 kilometer path leading to the temple passes through a forest of tall fir trees, some over 500 years old. Woljeongsa Temple is in charge of over 60 temples and 8 monasteries in the area. The temple was established by Monk Ja Jang (590-658) of the Silla Kingdom. Woljeongsa Museum is also located within the temple grounds, displaying artifacts and treasures from Buddhist culture of the Goryeo dynasty (918-1392), including an octagonal nine-story stone pagoda and a stone seated bodhisattva.


Address: 374-8, Odaesan-ro, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do (25318)
Telephone: +82-33-339-6800
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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