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Seolleung and Jeongneung Royal Tombs [UNESCO World Heritage] (서울 선릉(성종과 정현왕후)과 정릉(중종) [유네스코 세계문화유산])

Update date: 2021-08-11


[tourist site]
Seolleung and Jeongneung Royal Tombs house King Seongjong (1469-1494) and his wife Queen Jeonghyeon in Seolleung Royal Tomb and King Jungjong (1506-1544) of the Joseon dynasty (1392-1910) in Jeongneung Royal Tomb. A designated Historic Site, Seolleung and Jeongneung Royal Tombs is located in downtown Seoul, but because it is not well known, it provides a space for a tranquil walk along the rock wall path.


Address: 1, Seolleung-ro 100-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul (06153)
Telephone: +82-2-568-1291
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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