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Jeo Jip (Chopsticks House) [Korea Quality] / 저집(주) [한국관광 품질인증]

Update date: 2020-09-10


Located in Buam-dong in Jongno-gu, Seoul, Jeo Jip is a store specializing in chopsticks, a dining utensil commonly used not only in Korea, China, and Japan but also all over Asia and has long been made from hard materials such as metal, horn, and wood. Culturally, the shape and material of chopsticks are also known to vary depending on the status of the user, and more various materials were added to make interesting chopsticks in the modern times. Chopsticks are often used together with spoons. Chopstick specialty store Jeojip makes and sells chopsticks and spoons made of Korean traditional materials, patterns, and colors. Located atop the Buam-dong hill, the white-walled store displays neat arrays of chopsticks and spoons. Jeojip chopsticks are basically Korean lacquered types, but the designs, materials, lengths, and colors vary. Displayed on the right side of the store entrance is a gorgeous Korean traditional table set with chopsticks and spoons. Chopsticks are sold individually, but sets are more in demand. The store additionally sells spoon rests, cups, and plates, and gift wrapping is available.


Address: 142-1, Changuimun-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (03020)
Telephone: +82-2-3417-0119, +82-10-9346-8953
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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