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SAINT JAMES SAM CHEONG [Korea Quality] / 세인트제임스 삼청 [한국관광 품질인증]

Update date: 2020-09-10


Located in Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Saint James Samcheong opened in July 2016. With its large, transparent glass façade, the store is very much a part of the tranquil, sophisticated atmosphere and sunlight of the Samcheong-dong street. Evocative of the marine look, the interior highlights the cool colors and displays. Along with products from Saint James (France), the store sells imported brands like Buddy (Japan), Veja (France), Soludos (U.S.A.), Bronte (Netherlands), and Butterfly Twists (United Kingdom). The single-story store comes with an entrance and an exit on both sides, making it easy and convenient for shopping even during busy hours. The brand started in 1889 at a French village near Mount Saint-Michel in Normandy. In the early days, the store specialized in sailor’s outfits – or the “marine look” – and gradually expanded as the French look gained popularity around the world.


Address: 78, Samcheong-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul (03053)
Telephone: +82-2-742-4628 (내선 207)
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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