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Montmartre Park (몽마르트 공원)

Update date: 2021-10-25


[tourist site]
Located within the Banpo 4-dong area in Seocho-gu, Seoul, Montmartre Park was initially a wild forest with densely populated acacia trees. In 2000, as a part of the Banpo-dong reservoir development project implemented by the Seoul Metropolitan Government, this hilltop was turned into a park open to the public where visitors can rest. This park was given the name "Montmartre Park" due to its close proximity to Seorae Village, a French neighborhood in Seoul.

* Total land area: 24,690 m²
* Park area: 20,054 m²


Address: 59, Banpo-daero 37-gil, Seocho-gu, Seoul (06579)
Telephone: +82-2-2155-6860
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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