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Daewangam Park (대왕암공원)

Update date: 2021-12-24


[tourist site]
Daewangam Park is a seaside park located on the east coast. The park has a walking trail that passes by a forest of pine, cherry blossom trees, magnolias, camellias, apricots, and forsythia. This park is located at the end of the southeasternmost point facing the East Sea, and has a lighthouse that serves as a marker for fisherman and sailors out on the sea. The park is also home to Daewangam Rock that looks like a dragon rising up into the sky. It is connected to the mainland with an iron bridge and has an observation tower.


Address: 95, Deungdae-ro, Dong-gu, Ulsan (44058)
Telephone: +82-52-209-3738
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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