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Geumsan Mountain (금산 (남해))

Update date: 2021-01-21


[tourist site]
As home to Bogwangsa Temple founded by Monk Wonhyo, Geumsan Mountain was originally called Bogwangsan. Its current name, meaning "to be adorned with silk for eternity," was bestowed upon the mountain by King Taejo in honor of the mountain's spiritual powers, which he believed had listened to his 100-day prayer and consequently helped him rise to the throne as the first king of Joseon. Although the mountain is known to have the largest volume of granite rocks in the archipelago, the mountain's rich soil made it a home to the largest colony of deciduous trees on the southern coast. Boriam Hermitage, known to be one of the three holiest Buddhist prayer sites, is also on Geumsan Mountain.


Address: Sangju-myeon, Namhae-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do (52432)
Telephone: +82-1588-3415
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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