Dongducheon Special Tourist Zone (동두천 관광특구)
Update date: 2021-06-08
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The major attractions in the Dongducheon Special Tourist Zone include Soyosan Mountain, a prominent mountain standing in the northern part of Gyeonggi-do, and the commercial district around Bosan-dong which offers facilities and services for the US Army in Korea. The azaleas color Soyosan Mountain pink in spring while the fall foliage brings hues of red, orange, and yellow in autumn. Located on the mountain is Jajaeam Hermitage, the place where the Buddhist Saint Wonhyo was said to have reached enlightenment. Near the entrance to the mountain, one can find restaurants serving sanchae (edible wild plants) dishes and tteokgalbi (grilled short rib meat patties) and a market for quality beef and chicken at affordable prices.
Near the Camp Casey military base in Bosan-dong are over 330 stores that have opened after the 1950s. Foreigners and tourists from abroad, particularly US soldiers, account for 40% of those visiting Dongducheon. Bosan Station (Seoul Subway Line 1) is located nearby.
Address: Soyo-dong & Bosan-dong, Dongducheon-si, Gyeonggi-do ()
Telephone: +82-31-860-2093
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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