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Namwon Aircraft & Space Observatory (남원항공우주천문대)

Update date: 2021-06-12


[tourist site]
Chosen as a government funded project, Namwon Aircraft & Space Observatory was granted 4.6 billion won by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning in 2006 for project development.

The three-story observatory, with a total area of 6,532 square meters, has an exhibition hall showing the history of space aviation, an aviation experience hall, and a 10-meter-wide dome showing images of the night sky. The secondary observatory is equipped with a 600 millimeter telecope and other astronomical telescopes ranging in focal length from 125 millimeter to 350 millimeter for observing Namwon's night sky. In addition to the telecopes, retired combat planes from the air force, including the main fighter plane Phantom from the 1970s, are displayed outside.

Namwon Aircraft & Space Observatory offers programs such as tours and experience programs for groups. These include a 4D film experience of the sun and celestial bodies, a virtual aviation experience, and lectures about astronomy, all of which can accommodate up to 120 people per session. A variety of classroom learning activities are also offered in the summer to attract more visitors.


Address: 48-63, Yangnim-gil, Namwon-si, Jeollabuk-do (55796)
Telephone: +82-63-620-6900
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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