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Techno Mart - Gangbyeon Branch (테크노마트-강변점)

Update date: 2022-12-29


Techno Mart is packed with an estimated number of 1,100 special electronics and appliance stores from 2F to 8F. It is a large shopping mall that connects to other shopping and discount stores. Techno Mart has a variety of high-tech electronics stores selling computers, audio equipment, data communication equipment, and offers 10-20% discounts and warranties on a wide range of items.

Floor B1 houses a major bookstore and discount store selling department store-quality clothing, general goods, living goods, and food. CGV Gangbyeon is a multiplex theater on the 10F and has 11 theaters with around 2,000 seats and a game arcade. Visitors can take part in shopping and culture activities all within Techno Mart, which is also easily accessible by public transportation due to its close proximity to Dong Seoul Bus Terminal. A guide at the basement entrance also offers language services.


Address: 85, Gwangnaru-ro 56-gil, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul (05116)
Telephone: +82-2-3424-0114
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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