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Sejong Yeonhwasa Temple (연화사 (세종))

Update date: 2022-10-13


[tourist site]
Yeonhwasa Temple is said to have been built by Hong Mun-seop. After having a dream, Hong dug the current site of Yeonhwasa Temple to find two stone Buddha statues and built a temple there. It was designated a traditional temple in 1988. The temple features Muryangsujeon Hall, Samseonggak Hall, and Yosachae (monks’ residence).

There used to be a building with a tile roof, but following the discovery of a stele with the inscription of “Muin Year” and a pedestal, the roof was improved. The side of the stele is in a trapezoid shape with a wider bottom. It is thought to date back to the Unified Silla era. The temple is also home to a stele with seven relief Buddhist images. Together with the stone images of Biamsa and Jeonganmyeon, this stele is considered to have cast a new light on the Ancient Art.


Address: 28-1, Yeonhwasa-gil, Sejong-si (30049)
Telephone: +82-44-862-8620
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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