Buryeonggyegok Valley [National Geopark] (불영계곡 (경북 동해안 국가지질공원))
Update date: 2021-02-10
[tourist site]
Buryeonggyegok Valley is a 15-kilometer-long valley that runs from Seowon-ri, Uljin-gun to Haenggok-ri, Geunnam-myeon. The valley is curved and features unusually shaped rocks with names like Buddha Rock and Love Rock. The valley is made of gneiss rock that was formed over 2 billion years ago. Some of the most unique of these outcroppings are black and white stripes like that of a zebra, and eye structures. The striped structures were formed when the white and black components of the rock were separated by high heat and then pressed together under strong pressure. The eye-shaped structures were made by the white components combining.
Address: 2758, Buryeonggyegok-ro, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do (36330)
Telephone: +82-53-950-7996
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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