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Amethyst Cavern Park (자수정동굴나라)

Update date: 2022-09-06


[tourist site]
Amethyst Cavern Park is the largest man-made cave tourist attraction in Korea, where one of the five jewels of the World, amethyst, was mined. Connected like a labyrinth, the cave is 2.5 kilometers long and fills an area of approximately 15,000 square meters. The average temperature is between 12 and 16 degrees Celsius year round. Visitors can take either the walking tour that goes through a different themed halls or take a boat ride through the cave river. On the second floor of the cave, visitors can see Jurassic World filled with different dinosaurs and character lamps. 


Address: 212, Jasujeong-ro, Ulju-gun, Ulsan (44952)
Telephone: +82-52-254-1515
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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