Sangso-dong Forest Park (상소동 산림욕장)
Update date: 2022-12-26
[tourist site]
Sangso-dong Forest Park is located at the point where the foothills of Maninsan Mountain and Sikjangsan Mountain meet. The road to the park is beautifully lined with sycamore trees. The park offers various facilities for enjoying nature and in particular, the stone pagodas placed throughout the park are a must-see. Visitors can stack their own rocks and make wishes relating to family, health, relationships, and more. The park is great for walks, hikes, or even just to relax as wild flowers bloom all throughout spring to fall.
Address: San 1-1, Sangso-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon (300-240,1)
Telephone: +82-42-251-4771
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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