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Jeokbyeokgang Cliffs [National Geopark] (적벽강 (전북 서해안 국가지질공원))

Update date: 2021-06-09


[tourist site]
The area around Jeokbyeokgang Cliffs features great plant distribution value, including a population of Machilus, a designated natural monument. The cliffs are a great location for geological and ecological educational moments when visiting nearby attractions such as Chaeseokgang River and Gyeokgo Beach. The cliff is mostly composed of pepperlite, a unique rock that forms when volcanic rhyolite and sedimentary shale merge together.


Address: Gyeokpo-ri, Buan-gun, Jeollabuk-do (56338)
Telephone: +82-63-580-4331
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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