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Goryeong Janggi-ri Rock Art (고령 장기리 암각화)

Update date: 2022-12-29


[tourist site]
Yangjeondong Rock Art (discovered in 1971) is a rock painting 3 meters high and 5.5 meters wide that vividly depicts the life and religion of the Prehistoric Age. Rock art from the time period was created on rocks or other planes considered to be sacred and usually carried a message of fertility. The artwork of Yangjeondong shows layered circles (symbolizing the sun and the moon), crosses (depicting the “life zone” of the tribe), and 17 masks. The artwork is considered to have been used for ceremonial purposes or farming events.


Address: 15-5, Araealteo-gil, Goryeong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do (40134)
Telephone: +82-54-955-2201
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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