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Bupyeong Haemultang (Seafood Stew) Street (부평 해물탕거리)

Update date: 2022-10-26


[tourist site]
The history of Bupyeong Haemultang Street began 30-40 years ago, when there were just three restaurants on the street. Over the years, the street gained a reputation for serving delicious haemultang (seafood stew), and there are now ten seafood restaurants on the street. Each restaurant offers a rich, yet distinctly different flavored seafood stew prepared with aromatic vegetables and fresh seafood purchased from the marketplace every morning. The Haemultang Street has become so popular that many people travel the long distance from Seoul just for a satisfying meal of seafood stew. The restaurants specialize in stew and steamed seafood dishes, but also continue to develop new fusion menus to please all taste buds.


Address: 113, Bupyeongmunhwa-ro, Bupyeong-gu, Incheon (21392) (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
Telephone: +82-32-832-3031
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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