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Ananti Chord (아난티코드)

Update date: 2021-05-21


[leisure activity]
Ananti Chord is a golf resort operated by the golf course leisure expert company Emerson Pacific. Ananti Chord was designed to blend in with the natural surroundings, x_heightening the aesthetic features of each component that make up the resort, including the golf courses, buildings, and nature. Although the golf course is exclusive to members only, Ananti Chord welcomes non-members to use the racket club, swimming pool, restaurants, and other amenities. Unlike other golf resorts that are closed for winter, Ananti Chord hosts winter activities every year for year-round entertainment.


Address: 961-34, Yumyeong-ro, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do (12472)
Telephone: +82-31-589-3000
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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