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Jeju Starlight World Park and Planetarium (제주별빛누리공원)

Update date: 2021-06-04


[tourist site]
Jeju Starlight World Park and Planetarium is a theme park that was established in 2009 for advancing research and studies in astronomy. Today, it is also used as a center for public astronomy education.

The park features a main observatory with a 600 millimeter Cassegrain's reflecting telescope, and a subsidiary observatory with one 80 millimeter refracting telescope, one 157 millimeter refracting telescope, five 200 millimeter reflecting telescopes, and one 200 millimeter catadioptric telescope. Additionally, it has a 4D theater, planetarium, two-story exhibition hall showcasing outer space journey, as well as several meeting/conference facilities. There is also a sundial and two observation binoculars at the outdoor square.


Address: 60, Seondolmokdong-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do (63242)
Telephone: +82-64-728-8900
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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