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Byeokchoji Gardens (벽초지수목원)

Update date: 2021-06-18


[tourist site]
Byeokchoji Gardens features 27 themed gardens with both Oriental and Western landscaping elements. With the Excitement Square in the center of the garden, the Oriental style gardens feature a pond, while the Western gardens begin after passing through a gate designed like the Great Wall of China. In total, there are over 1,000 plant species, providing beautiful scenery throughout the year. Byeokchoji Gardens has been featured in a variety of films, dramas, music videos, and other media forms. With the gardens on mostly flat land, anyone can easily access the garden and enjoy with ease.


Address: 242, Buheung-ro, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do (10831)
Telephone: +82-31-957-2004
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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