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Jeju Yakcheonsa Temple (약천사(제주))

Update date: 2021-02-11


[tourist site]
The architectural style of Yakcheonsa Temple is reminiscent of that of Buddhist temples of the early Joseon dynasty. Measuring an impressive 30 meters high and spanning a total area of 3,305 square meters, it is the largest temple in Asia.

Upon entering Yakcheonsa Temple, guests will be greeted by a 5-meter-high statue of Vairocana, the tallest of such statues in Korea, on a 4-meter-high pedestal. The walls on both the right and left have been sculpted into large altar portraits of Buddha and in front of the Dharma Hall is a giant Buddhist temple bell, weighing 18 tons. Beloved for its size and grandeur, the temple consists of a main temple (2,652 square meters) and a 3-story residential structure for the Buddhist monks. Other notable sites are Gulbeopdang (the Dharma Hall, built inside a natural cave), Samseonggak Shrine, and Sarira Pagoda. Yakcheonsa Temple is not only popular among Buddhists but is also a well sought after tourist destination.


Address: 293-28, Ieodo-ro, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do (63543)
Telephone: +82-64-738-5000
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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