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Hantaek Botanical Garden (한택식물원)

Update date: 2022-12-21


[tourist site]
Established in 1979, Hantaek Botanical Garden features the nation's largest botanical garden which houses total of 9,700 plant species including 2,400 species of wild plants and 7,300 species of foreign plants. Along with various domestic and international plant species, the botanical garden makes an effort in research studies through the botanical lab, interactions with domestic and international botanical gardens and modernized facilities. Also, it was designated as Rare plant and Extinction crisis plant habitat and conservation by the Ministry of Environment and has been carrying out acts to preserve national grown-plants and restoring the habitats continuously as well as various hands-on programs and exhibitions that offer education about nature.

Hantaek Botanical Garden is comprised of Natural Ecology Hall, Water Plant Botanical Garden, Wall Garden, Rock Garden, Silver Grass Garden and Hemerocallis collections, Hosta collections, Iris garden, and other gardens. Australia Plant Greenhouse, exhibiting baobab trees, South Africa Greenhouse, Herb greenhouse, and a rest area are also available for visitors.


Address: 2, Hantaek-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do (17183)
Telephone: +82-31-333-3558
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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