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H&M - Myeongdong Branch No.1 (H&M - 명동1호점)

Update date: 2015-12-18


H&M, established in Sweden in 1947, is a global fashion brand with more than 2,000 stores in over 35 countries throughout the world. There are currently three H&M stores in Korea.

The H&M Myeongdong branch no.1 occupies four floors, each with a unique interior, inside Noon Square (shopping mall). It sells a wide variety of clothes and other fashion items for women, men and children. It also introduces new designs and items by over 100 designers every day.


Address: 14, Myeongdong-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (04536)
Telephone: +82-2-3783-4881
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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