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Too Cool for School - Myeongdong Branch (투쿨포스쿨 - 명동점)

Update date: 2020-06-15


The unique cosmetic brand TooCoolforSchool was introduced in 2009 and is a division of TODACOSA, the first chain cosmetic store in Korea. The name TooCoolforSchool reflects originality, experimentation, artistic sensibilities and the fresh, rebellious sprit of those in their teens, twenties, and thirties. The 3-story building in Myeongdong offers a cozy place for a little rest, entertainment and shopping spree for the fashion-minded cosmeholics.


Address: 17-1, Myeongdong 4-gil, Jung-gu, Seoul (04536) (Korean, English)
Telephone: +82-2-2231-2710
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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