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Daegu Duryu Park (대구두류공원)

Update date: 2023-01-05


[tourist site]
Daegu Duryu Park was built near Duryusan and Geumbongsan mountains in 1977. The park encompasses the area of Duryusan Mountain including E-World all the way to Geumbongsan Mountain behind Daegu Culture and Arts Center. The name Duryusan came from the fact that the mountain is spread out in a circular form. The total size of the park is approximately 1.7 million ㎡ at a x_height of 135 meters above sea level. Various statues and memorials including 2ㆍ28 Memorial Tower that commemorates the high school students who started the 4ㆍ19 Revolution, as well as a statue of Yi Sang-hwa and more can be found along the Duryu Park circular road. After the opening on October 1977, the park added a soccer field, a baseball field and other recreational facilities as well as private libraries that provide convenience to the citizens.


Address: 161, Duryugongwon-ro, Dalseo-gu, Daegu (42672) (Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese, Arabic)
Telephone: +82-53-803-7481
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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