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Dream Forest (북서울 꿈의숲)

Update date: 2020-09-29


[tourist site]
Dream Forest, previously known as Odong Neighborhood Park, is located in Gangbuk-gu, Seoul. Renovated and reopened in October 2009, Dream Forest is the fourth largest park after World Cup Park, Olympic Park, and Seoul Forest and the first large-scale green park created in the Gangbuk area.

Major attractions of the park include Wolyeongji Pond, Grass Square, Wolgwangpokpo Falls, Aewoljeong Pavilion, Chilbokji Falls, Event Garden, Children’s Gallery, Wild Grass Garden, Deer Ranch, Exploring Path, Forest Rest, and a water park. Recently, the Changnyeongwigung Ritual House (National Registered Cultural Heritage No. 40) has been restored with other traditional landscape architectures such as a pond, pavilion and waterfall created nearby to double the genuine beauty of a traditional Korean park.

The slanted hillside which served as sleigh slopes is now a complex cultural space with Northern-Seoul Art Center that houses a fantastic-looking observatory, performance hall, book café, gallery, restaurant, jumping fountain, and children’s playground.


Address: 173, Wolgye-ro, Gangbuk-gu, Seoul (01228)
Telephone: +82-2-2289-4000
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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