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Yongnunioreum Volcanic Cone (용눈이오름)

Update date: 2021-03-15


[tourist site]
Yongnunioreum Volcanic Cone is one of many parasitic volcations that dot Jeju Island, and is a prime example of the complex volcanic system. The cone is comprised of a mix of volanic rock and soil, and in comparison with other oreum, was formed rather recently. Volcanic cones are formed when magma from the main volcano seeps out of weaker points in the surrounding area, and can be considered small volcanos. Yongnunioreum is covered in a lush carpet of grass, and is home to many wildflowers. The name of the cone comes from its shape resembling a dragon laying down.


Address: Jongdallon-gil, Jeju-si, Jeju-do (63364)
Telephone: +82-64-740-6000
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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