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The Importance of Dental Health: Your Smile Matters

User: sangseek | Date: 2023/10/22 | View Count: 45

Spring has arrived earlier than usual, and along with the delightful weather, seasonal delights grace our tables. However, the joy of indulging in these delicious, seasonal foods can be marred by dental issues such as cavities, gum swelling, and tooth sensitivity. If you're worried that these dental problems will prevent you from enjoying your meals comfortably, you're not alone.

Dental issues tend to manifest differently in various age groups. For individuals in their 20s and 30s, cavities, impacted wisdom teeth, and teeth cracking can be a common source of discomfort. From the age of 40 and onward, gum inflammation tends to become more pronounced, often leading to tooth extractions due to periodontal disease. It's crucial to pay attention to these issues.

There are two primary reasons for tooth loss. The first is neglecting dental problems like cavities or tooth cracks until they cause extensive damage, resulting in the need for extractions. The second reason is the accumulation of dental calculus (tartar) and neglecting gum health, which can lead to gradual gum recession and tooth mobility.

To prevent these problems, diligent oral hygiene is essential. Regular dental check-ups, addressing issues promptly, and annual dental scaling can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums.

But what if you've already lost a tooth? Prompt replacement is vital. Delaying tooth replacement can lead to digestive issues, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) problems, and the surrounding teeth shifting or tilting.

To replace missing teeth, you have various options such as dentures, bridges, and dental implants. Dentures are suitable for extensive tooth loss, offering quick solutions but sometimes feeling foreign in the mouth. Bridges involve grinding down adjacent teeth to anchor the replacement tooth. On the other hand, dental implants are a reliable and aesthetic option, anchoring an artificial root (implant) securely to the jawbone and capping it with a lifelike crown. Implants offer natural functionality and maintain 80-90% of the chewing force.

However, it's crucial to choose a reliable dental practice, especially for implant procedures, as they are more complex. Selecting an experienced and reputable clinic ensures a smoother and safer experience.

Tooth implant placement involves several steps, from implanting the artificial root into the jawbone to attaching the abutment and crown. Each step requires precision and attention to detail. The quality of materials used, such as zirconia crowns, contributes to the longevity and aesthetics of the final restoration.

At Sebrans Dental, we employ a systematic approach that starts with a thorough diagnosis, utilizing 3D dental CT scans to predict the implant placement trajectory accurately. We then simulate and plan the procedure, creating custom abutments and utilizing cutting-edge materials.

Post-procedure, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential. Avoid hard, tough foods that might damage the implant or existing teeth. After the initial implant healing period (3-5 months), proper bone integration is crucial. In cases of thin bone, additional bone grafts may be necessary to improve stability.

Regular dental check-ups, scaling, and preventive measures play a significant role in maintaining the longevity of your dental implants and oral health. 

For those aged 65 or older, consider government support programs, like the Health Insurance Review & Assessment Service, that can help offset some of the costs for dental treatments.

Don't let dental issues hinder your ability to enjoy your meals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Address concerns promptly and consult with a reliable dental practitioner to keep your smile in the best condition in 2023 and beyond.