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Sandglass Park (모래시계공원)

Update date: 2022-12-26


[tourist site]
Sandglass Park is surrounded by the East Sea, mountains and Jeongdongjin 2-ri Village. Sandglass Park has pine trees, benches facing the sea, and access to Jeongdongjin Beach. At the center of the park is a giant sandglass that is set to measure one year. Sandglass Park was established in 1999 by the city of Gangneung and Samsung Electronics Co. to commemorate the upcoming millennium. Part of this commemoration was the building of the giant sandglass at the park. The sandglass has a diameter of 8.06 meters, x_width of 3.2 meters, weight of 40 tons and holds 8 tons of sand, making it one of the biggest sandglasses in the world. It takes a whole year for sand to trickle to the bottom and then the sandglass restarts again on New Year’s Day each year at midnight.


Address: 990-1, Heonhwa-ro, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do (25631)
Telephone: +82-33-640-4535
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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