Ssarigol (싸리골)
Update date: 2016-09-26
Ssarigol is a Korean restaurant famous for serving rice cooked with gondeure (Cirsium Setidens), a plant which grows in the alpine regions of Gangwon-do. The savory and fresh taste of the gondeurenamul-bap has been the restaurant’s secret to success. Ssarigol has captivated the taste buds of its customers by offering healthy food at an affordable price. The main menu items include gondeurenamul-bap, and dotorimuk-muchim (seasoned acorn jelly).
Address: 1312, Jeongseon-ro, Jeongseon-eup, Jeongseon-gun, Gangwon-do (26131)
Telephone: +82-33-562-4554
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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