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Munheonseowon Confucian Academy (문헌서원)

Update date: 2020-06-18


[tourist site]
Munheonseowon Confucian Academy was established to pay tribute to the memory of Lee Gok (1298-1351) and Lee Saek (1328-1396) who were well-respected for their writings and character. The school was originally built in 1594, but was burnt down during the Imjin War (1592-1598). It was rebuilt in 1610 and became a legislated private institute in 1611.

The academy consists of an educational area and a shrine. Mortuary tablets of five Confucian scholars including Lee Jong-hak, Lee Ja, Lee Gae as well as Lee Gok and Lee Saek were enshrined at the school.


Address: 66, Seowon-ro 172beon-gil, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do (33626) (Korean only)
Telephone: +82-41-953-5895
data provided by Korea Tourism Organization
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